Good morning, fellow Scots. I am Sean Connery. Let me counteract day what an honour it is to be here tonight. It is such a great pleasure that we, economical Americans, are all salt away here this evening. Let us give ourselves a with child(p) round of applause. I am very grateful to unblock this opportunity to introduce you Scot degrade! Scot destroy, the land of whisky, the land of bagpipes, the land of kilts and the land of music and dances! Assume that we were non-Scottish, what will come to your vanguard when oneness mentions about the Great Britain or the unite land? belike England, London, London Bridge, Big Ben, etc It is pretty obvious that these famed computer architecture and sightseeing places are mostly from the south, England. Scotland is normally less mentioned or may non even be mentioned at all. It is not that Scotland is not famous, but it is just that the fame of the south has cover up ours. The main reason which leads to this is because Scotla nd is not independent. In edict to outshine itself, Scotland should stand up and fight for its independence. Scotlands unfitness of fully controlling its own affair, both nationally and internationally, is mischievous to Scottish interests. Only 4% of the Scottish companies have their head offices in Scotland and the rest are in the south, our neighbouring friend, England.

What does this phenomenon tell us? The governing body of the join Kingdom acts primarily in the interest of the sinless United Kingdom, in which England has by remote the most maintenance from the government. It is obvious to the detriment of Scottish interests to stay on in the United Kingdom. Over t hese past 20 diachronic period, Scotland h! as been through a lot, it develops and changes. In 1997, a referendum was held for the Scottish to pick out for their own devolved parliament. 10 years later, in 2007, Scotland was once mistreat closer to achieving its independence and equality, as the Scottish National company (SNP) advocated Scottish independence from the United Kingdom, which...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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